
BFS Naples School

‘Be The Best That You Can Be In All That You Do’

BFS Naples is a Ministry of Defence Schools primary school based in Naples, Italy. We cater for Foundation Stage, Key Stage One, and Key Stage Two. In common with England, the school teaches to the National Curriculum and is inspected by Ofsted.

The school is a Primary School, taking children in a single entry in the year in which they are 4 until age 11, when they move to Secondary School.

If you are a member of the UK MoD posted to Naples on an accompanied tour with your family and wish your child/children to attend BFS Naples please email the school office ([email protected]) for advice and the relevant paperwork.. We hope that you will find everything you need to know about our school on this site. If you have any queries, or would like printed copies of any of our policies, please feel free to visit our school office or contact us.

Documentation is available in larger print on request.