Maserati Class-Summer Term 2, 2024

Week 3 and 4

In English we have on grammar elements within our writing using the book ‘I am not a label’. Everyone has enjoyed reading various extracts about leading figure in their field, be it sports, science, math, art, breakdancing, or the world of pop. These people have all faced unique challenges that have not stopped them from becoming trailblazers, innovators, advocates, and makers. We also wrote a recount about our trip to Lago D’averno last week – there was some great reflections of writing thinking carefully about what we did while were there.

In Maths we have continued our unit of shape. Year 3’s have been exploring quadrilaterals, drawing polygons, recognising 2D and 3 D shapes and learning how to classify these shapes and describe them to partners. There was lots of practical activities to build upon some existing vocabulary: faces, vertices and edges.

Year 4’s have been extending their learning about position and direction- talking about the x and the y axis, carefully labelling and reading coordinates and plotting shapes on graphs. We are all excited about learning how to tessellate shapes next week.

In Geography we experience and Earthquake in class, all but a practice this helped us to understand on what we would do in the situation. This also can be called a temblor. We know earthquakes are caused by the movement of parts of the Earth’s crust, its outermost layer. They happen millions of times a year, but most are so small people don’t even feel them. However, powerful earthquakes can cause landslides, tsunamis, flooding, and other dangerous events. Most damage and deaths happen in places where a lot of people live, because the shaking causes windows to break, structures to collapse, fire to break out, and other dangers.

In Art have continued looking at ‘Ammonites’ and this week learnt about Fibonacci and why the sequence is important for many reasons. In nature, the numbers and ratios in the sequence can be found in the patterns of petals of flowers, the whorls of a pine cone, and the leaves on stems. As the sequence continues, the ratios of the terms approach a number known as the golden ratio. We have looked at different patterns and drawn thumbnails.

Plenty of play rehearsals and singing practice ready for our summer spectacular ‘ Alice in wonderland’.

A wonderful week Maserati.